"Wood Carving of Joseph the Carpenter", Life Size

Listing #5017 Listed on: 07/02/2018 Company Name: Zongkers Custom Furniture
Name: Dennis Zongker
Website:   www.zongkers.com

Here is the finished life size carving of Joseph the Carpenter. I'm very excited to be done with all three carvings, Jesus, Mother Mary, and Joseph. This has been a 2 1/2 year project with some blood sweat and tears. All three statues will be at the Cloisters on the Platte. Joseph will be here at the shop until Thursday, if any one would like to come down here at Zongkers to see Joseph, it would be great to see you. Also we will be here on the 4th of July at 10:00am to 4:00 Pm Thank you for looking, I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July Holiday. Joseph is located at the Cloisters on the Platte in Nebraska.

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Posted By:TennesseeTim
Beautiful work!!!
Posted By:D Sochar
I do mean to be constructive, but the figures I have seen of yours are so dour. No life in the faces or poses. Odd looking people, not typical of what is/was seen in the region 2,000 years ago. Of course, that is the hardest part of portraiture, getting life into an otherwise dead project.
Quite an effort!
Posted By:DennisZongker
Thank you ?Tim for the compliment.

Hi Dave Sochar from Accorn, I think it's great that you can't see what My customer and I wanted to achieve. That is what makes art so special. How does anybody know what people really looked like 2000 years ago, I seen your face on line and I think you would have been a perfect model for a face that looks dour unattractive just downright ugly. Thank you so much for your opinion.
Posted By:Bill Burscher
Hey Dennis.....
Looks like a labor of love ...
It's exciting to think about how you, in the process, must have had many moments of deep connection as you carved and chipped away, revealing what was placed on your heart to portray!
As we all, (Joseph included !) hone our gifts... we're always rounding another corner, always learning a bit more...
From what I see, you are already being used powerfully to bless.......I know I was! I was kind of having a rough day.... and the first thing I saw was the work of a man that cared enough to do a full size carving of the man named Joseph!
Hopefully, each of our projects will be more advanced than the last one we did, so no, we're not yet where we're headed... but know this, your work is already beautiful!
Not sure of the motives of the "constructive" post....but I think it was most likely a communication issue more so than an outright insult as it could have been easily interpreted... so don't let yourself carry anything away from it that is not for you to carry. (and maybe be a smidge more careful about your responses... :+) Enjoy creating ! ! !
I hope to see your next post soon !
All the best, Bill
Posted By:Dennis Zongker
Thank you very much Bill, for your kind constructive criticism. I feel really bad about my outburst, no excuses. It was a very long 2 1/2 year process carving all three statues in wood. First at half scale clay model for approval. I was sore, burned out and tired that day. I'm feeling mush better with some rest. Again, thank you so much for the complement. I'm very sorry for my rude comment to Dave. God Bless
Posted By:Shawn Fender
I truly love your work. If I could possibly afford it, I’d beg to come apprentice under you. I’m afraid my wife would get mad if I gave up an income though.
I stay fairly happy making the square and the flat surface stuff, with maybe an arch or a taper, but I’d love to take things to the level you have.
This winter I’m definitely going to make some time to take your boxes book off the shelf and try to get in touch with some of the more artistic aspects.

Thanks for inspiring.
Posted By:Dennis Zongker
Hi Shawn,
Thank you very much for the complements. If your ever around this part of town, please stop by I would love to meet you and show you around the shop. God Bless

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