Luckets VA. kitchen

Listing #507 Listed on: 01/14/2007 Name: Scott Wilhide

Company Name: Wilhides SawmillPainted Kitchen with glazing.

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Posted By:Thomas

I don't think I would use ultra modern hardware with such a rustic/primitive finish.

Posted By:Scott Wilhide

You have to do what the cliant wants.

Posted By:marc L

I like the hardware, and like Scott says, the customer is the boss, so you do what they want.

I think it is nice mixing the contemporary with the traditional. Makes things interesting.

Nice work Scott.

Posted By:rocko

Just out of curiosity, what did you charge for that job?

Posted By:Scott Wilhide

This job was done two years ago. I think design,build and install was 28K

Posted By:Brian

You did a nice job, and as it was said the customer is the boss. I don't like the hardware or the finish, but that's what makes the world go around. Must have been fun scribing that right side return panel to the stone huh.

Posted By:Rob

How did you build your doors ? mitered or cope & stick.

Posted By:Scott Wilhide

cope and stick

Posted By:Rob

I am getting ready to build some replacement doors, painted with flat panel similar to yours, did you glue the panel for added strength ? I like the feet on the cabinets, nice detail.

Posted By:Scott Wilhide

No,The panel must be able to move with any moisture and temp changes . The panel or even the stile may crack.

Posted By:Rob

My panels will be 1/4" birch ply, so I am not concerned with movement, yours must be solid wood panels. There is just not a lot of strength in a cope joint without a tenon, especially with larger doors.

Posted By:Michael Alton

Rob, the birch plywood will not move as much as the wood around it. The stress being on the wood around it. If I were you, I would only glue those panels if I were already planning to re-build them (because that is a sure-fire way to get to that point).

Posted By:Scott Wilhide

Even when I use 1/4" plywood panels I don't glue them in. I have not had any joint failures. I have made 100's of doors. Any time a door is over 48" high it should have a rail to devide the panels in two.

Posted By:dan

Nice work. What hinge brand and model number did you use? Can you explain the glaze process you used?

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