Self-Made Man Statue Carving

Listing #5193 Listed on: 08/11/2020 Company Name: Zongkers
Name: Dennis Zongker

Finally after 9 months on my spare time, my carving of Self Made Man called "Determination" is completed. He is 38" tall x 23" deep x 20" wide. Any criticism good or bad is good to hear. Thank you for looking!

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Posted By:dustin orth
Very cool project!
Posted By:David Sochar
You are getting better at your life carving. Warmer, more fluid lines makes for a more life-like result. Keep up the good work.
Posted By:Dennis Zongker
Thank you for the complements, Dustin & David.
Posted By:Kimberly smith
You are very talented. Do you do this as a hobby or as a living?

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