Wood Shrinkage Calculator

Calculator Instructions

Width: Inches: Fractions:
Initial MC:
(Moisture Content)
            % (no decimal necessary)
Final MC:
(Moisture Content)
            % (no decimal necessary)
Type of Lumber: Flatsawn

Instructions: Wood Shrinkage Calculator

Enter the actual measured width of the lumber, in inches and fractions of an inch (centimeters, if metric).

Initial Moisture Content:
Enter the initial moisture content(MC). Do not enter decimals or fractions, and do not enter the percentage sign after the value. Values over 30% MC will be calculated as 30% MC. It is generally accepted changes in MC above 30% do not affect dimension because free water is present.

Final Moisture Content:
Enter the final moisture content(MC). Do not enter decimals or fractions, and do not enter the percentage sign after the value. Values over 30% MC will be calculated as 30% MC.

Type of Lumber:
By default, flatsawn is the type of lumber chosen. If you would like to calculate the shrinkage for radialsawn lumber, choose the radialsawn option.

Detailed reference material regarding the calculation of Wood Shrinkage can be accessed via the links below. If you have any questions regarding the methodology used in WOODWEB's Wood Shrinkage calculator, we suggest that you post your question at our
Sawing and Drying Forum.

  • Measuring/Monitoring Moisture Levels
  • I've Got that Shrinking Feeling
  • Wood and Water

    Click Here to Access the Wood Shrinkage Calculator
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