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Subject: Re: Point Cloud Software Choices


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Message Thread:

Point Cloud Software Choices

Peter Matos

Those of you who have implemented lidar or other scanner types into your business to scan installation locations. We are starting to use our scanner more and more now and I am wondering what softwares you guys are using to view and manipulate your point cloud data. We are mostly using it for point to point measurements but we are getting into mesh creation and building solid models of installations more and more now for our customers. We started with Recap Pro but they apparently no longer support mesh creation. What are you folks using for this purpose and what are your recommendations for software choices? Thank you

1/7/21       #2: Point Cloud Software Choices ...
Mark B Member

What format are your point clouds coming in as? What level of editing to you need after the import? Are you importing point clouds of architectural restoration work that you then need to snap to geometry? Is it all organic?

1/7/21       #3: Point Cloud Software Choices ...
Robin Smith


What type of scanner are you using?

My experience has been somewhat opposite honestly. I purchased a Faro scanner with dreams of doing what you are trying to do, but the workflow to get to a 3D model is overly cumbersome, if not impossible. I have never found a good workflow to get me there. It almost seems faster to just use the point to point measurements and build a clean model from scratch, but that defeats the entire point for me.

I believe the technology will get there at some point without having to move through 3 or 4 different software applications to get usable data. It may already be out there, but I haven't found it.

1/8/21       #4: Point Cloud Software Choices ...
Peter Matos

Thanks guys.. yeah we do historic restorations as well as custom new installations and remodels, also do work on yachts that require us to scan the interiors. We are then taking the information and using it to create trim and cabinetry options for our customers. Most want us to be able to show elaborate 3D models/renderings. We are currently using a Leica scanner and we are relatively pleased with its performance especially with multiple scans on a single area. Point clouds look great and there is ample information that we have come to find is accurate enough for what our need are. The creation of meshes from the clouds and then ultimately a surfaced model has become more and more necessary for these jobs. We have been poking around with different trial softwares but I wanted to see if there are any folks in here that are already using this technology and whether or not they are using something they would recommend etc.

1/10/21       #5: Point Cloud Software Choices ...
David Wishengrad

Paraform :)

Not sure where it is now. You can start with the link and do your own searching from there to see if you can aquire a copy.

1/10/21       #6: Point Cloud Software Choices ...
David Wishengrad

I found this. If you really need it I would contact him and ask about his suggestions.

1/11/21       #7: Point Cloud Software Choices ...
Peter Matos

Thanks guys.. it appears that there are not too many people doing this sort of thing yet apparently or they are not sharing their secrets ;)


5/26/21       #8: Point Cloud Software Choices ...
Les Holland


I've been using this technology for quite some time now with great success. From massive commercial feature elements to complex estate-level millwork. FARO is my scanner of choice and they have some great software options.

Right now, Revit is doing a great job at developing geometry efficiently from point clouds. I only used Recap for viewing purposes.

In my opinion, developing geometry in Revit can then easily export to AutoCAD or Rhino. I use Rhino for all my modeling. It's a thousand times easier to manipulate than AutoCAD.

A few years ago these workflows would've been kept a closely guarded secret but the hardware and software are improving so it will come down to having the right people. It will change the dynamic of your engineering department.

I'm happy to answer any specific questions if anyone has any.

2/5/22       #9: Point Cloud Software Choices ...
Rupesh  Member


It all depends on what type of scanning Process you are using. First analyze your Procedure and talk with Experts Designers, Modelers and Drafters to have clear idea about it. You can use some software and plugins like Autodesk Revit, ZWCAD+, Solidworks & Autodesk Navisworks.


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